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Posted by on Mar 4, 2013 in Office life | 0 comments

Skara in five letters

Hi there!

Last week happened to be such an interesting time here at Skara Headquarters.

Maki Planas (Concept Artist) and David Llopis (3D Animator) joined the team, and we have already become a nice big family nowadays. For sure, they’ll be popping in here soon to introduce themselves. In the meanwhile, let me show you the five letters I meant when I wrote the title for this post:

Amazing, isn’t it? It’s our new logo, designed by Iván Castro, a full expert about caligraphy whose collaboration will be very valuable in the future, and we’re pretty excited about it!

Of course, there you have us all, celebrating the visit of our partners from London. Next week, some other people will be joining the staff, and there will be a lot of other things to talk about. But as I said, that will be next week.

Thanks for reading us and have a nice day!



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