Skara - The Blade Remains


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Skara - The Blade Remains Forum Statistics

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Most Popular Topics

# Subject   Posts
1 Introduce Yourself 67
2 The Blood Spirits 31
3 Acceso a la Beta 29
4 The Blood Spirits vs The Forgotten 27
5 General Questions 25

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1 What is your favourite race? 15

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1 Pablo.Rodríguez 229
2 blackmagicwolf 155
3 genghis khärn 75
4 jetcutter 51
5 Psyshik 47

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# Username   Hits
1 Pablo.Rodríguez 38
2 Psyshik 14
3 blackmagicwolf 10
4 jetcutter 7
5 Kolwen 6

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1 Pablo.Rodríguez 45
2 blackmagicwolf 10
3 Psyshik 9
4 Sherka 6
5 Max 3

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