Skara - The Blade Remains


Environment Art: Khilma Mountain.

On that video update  you can see some pieces of the Khilma arena, wich is the map of the Khärn race. The environment art  team is working hard to give the shape to this place where  those brutal warriors live. We are doing it step by step. The first step to create the map is about translating the concept art to small chunks wich are going to be laid out on the playable space.You can identify wich elements you are going to need just looking at the art or directly asking to the art director wich will provide very nice feedback for creating the needed assets in one way or other.

Everyone of the assets are distributed inside our scenario, with a bit of creativity we can do that the same object can serve us on multiple occasions, sometimes the same tree rotated a few degrees or changed on the position can give the sensation of being a totally different tree. This way we can have more richness for our scenario… 


When we layout the assets we are very interested on telling tales through it, trying  to get under the skin of the character. If you found some bloody bones on a field, you may think that a cruel battle has happened there recently. Is our job to think about all that stories and try to explain them using a clever composition or lighting. We have to be creative at every moment even we are just placing a few of cobblestones…

On this video you can also see some assets that conform the scenario and how they are constructed polygon wise…

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