Skara - The Blade Remains


New staff: Jesús Luengo

Hi there!

Time to introduce myself in my new role as lead designer for Skara project.

When Pablo Rodríguez first asked me to move from Madrid to Barcelona in order to develop this game, I couldn’t help finding myself answering “Yes”.

Skara is such a dream for the most of us here: artists, developers and game designers. But let me tell you something: Sometimes dreams come true.

There are a lot of things going around here right now, but still I cannot say too much. Thus let me encourage you all to keep an eye on us and our blog in order to be the first to know everything coming up about Skara.

You won’t be dissappointed!

Jesús LuengoJesús Luengo
Pablo RodríguezPablo Rodríguez

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